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"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish."

As you know Steve Jobs passed away on October 5th. I have to confess that until about six months ago I really did not know much about Jobs. Yes I knew the basics: that he founded Apple, was then fired by their board and went on to help create Pixar before returning to Apple and transforming it into the innovative, iconic company that it is today. But I really didn't know anything about his personal story until a friend told me six months ago that I should listen to his 2005 Stanford commencement speech on You Tube. I listened to it and wanted to give you the same opportunity if you haven't already. I've provided you a link to the You Tube video and also a written version of his speech. There is something in Job's message for all of us regardless of our age. Thank you Steve!

Blog, GeneralJim Freeman, CFP®